Computer Vision in Space Summer School - Tartu Ülikool

Application deadline for Computer Vision in Space Summer School is 31 May

Mikrosatelliitide suvekool

Application deadline for Microsatellites in Planetary Science and Astrobiology Workshop is 1 June

Universumi tihedusväli - Tartu Ülikool

Lopsided galaxies shed light on the speed of dark matter

Jaan Einasto ja temanimeline superparv - Tartu observatoorium - Tartu Ülikool

Einasto Supercluster: the new heavyweight contender in the universe

Tõravere space research centre

Tartu Observatory is a prominent space centre in Estonia, with the primary goal of research and development. We are a reliable partner in international networks. We train young scientists and extend the natural-scientific worldview. The aim is to promote the science of astronomy, remote sensing, and space technology.

About Tartu Observatory

Visitor Centre

Tartu Observatory organises tours, active learning, and workshops for a wider audience. Please book an appointment and learn about space science, its latest achievements, and the scientific profession.

Learn about visits


Remote sensing

Space technology


Astrophysical observatory instruments in Tõravere include a 1.5 m and 0.6 mirror telescope and a 0.3 m automatic robotic telescope.

Learn more